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         Baby Naming Ceremonies

Humanism is non-religious, and has no worship, fixed rituals, or dogmatic rules other than the desire that each of us should make the most of life, and try to benefit other people.

A Humanist baby-naming is inclusive. The ceremony is based on that which we all have in common- our humanity and human values- which transcend any religious beliefs which may be held by some of those present. 

The purpose of a baby-naming ceremony is three-fold:

1. To welcome a new life to the world
2. To enable those closest to the baby to express their love and commitment formally, in the presence of family and friends
3. To name the baby 

The ceremony usually takes place in the home.

The Ulster Humanist Association Ceremonies Co-Ordinator is :

Myrtle Ewing
10 Castlehill Park West Belfast BT4 3 GT
Tel:028 90 760002 s.ewing@nireland.com