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What is Humanism
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         What is Humanism

Humanism is a view of life and a way of life. It is for those people who base their interpretation of existence on the evidence of the natural world and its evolution, and not on belief in a supernatural power. Humanism is the belief that we can live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs. Humanists make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared human values. We seek to make the best of the one life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves. We take responsibility for our actions and work with others for the common good.

Dictionary definition
Humanism, n; devotion to human interests; system of thought concerned with human not religious matters; literary culture, esp. in Renaissance; doctrine emphasising common human needs and seeking solely rational ways of solving human problems; humanist n

Humanist Handbook
Brian McClinton the editor of our bi-monthly magazine has written the following handbook for Humanists.

The First Humanists
The Development of Humanism
John Toland, Father of Secular Philosophy
Humanism in Ireland
The Blunder of God
The 12 Myths of Christmas
10 Facts You Should Know About The Bible
Who Was Jesus Anyway?
Science and Religion
Ulster's Killing Faiths
Religion in Schools
A Humanist Ethical Code
Abortion and Women's Rights
The Right to a Gentle Death
The Last Goodbye