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         Humanist Funeral Ceremonies

There is an increasing demand for non-religous funeral ceremonies.

Where many people choose to live without religion, a secular celebration of the life of the deceased is more appropriate.

Humanists value life and humanity and feel that, as every life is unique,
it should be celebrated in a final meaningful ceremony.

Following a meeting with the family, the celebrant will compile a tribute, and this, plus other tributes, poems and a piece of favourite music, form the basis of the ceremony - which is held usually at the crematorium or in a funeral home. There is a fee for the service which is paid by the Funeral Director to the celebrant on the day.

The Ulster Humanist Ceremonies Co-ordinator is Myrtle Ewing who can be contacted at  Tel: 028 90 760002 or e-mail s.ewing@nireland.com